What is Think and Grow Rich about?

Think and Grow Rich is the wisdom of more than 500 of America’s most successful people. Their ideas were subsequently distilled into 13 concepts that Hill refers to as an overarching “Philosophy of Achievement.”

But Hill insisted that Think and Grow Rich not be limited to being a formula or system for achievement, stating that the objectives of his book were:

  1. To assist the reader in developing self-awareness.
  2. To assist the reader in comprehending how to improve their effectiveness in the face of the universe’s unchangeable rules.

What Are the 13 Principles of Think and Grow Rich

Napoleon Hill’s 13 success principles offer an achievement philosophy meant to be thought about. The thirteen concepts will be examined one by one in this synopsis of Think and Grow Rich. They are listed below:

  1. Desire
  2. Faith
  3. Auto-suggestion
  4. Specialized Knowledge
  5. Imagination
  6. Organized Planning
  7. Decision
  8. Persistence
  9. The Power of the Master Mind
  10. Sex Transmutation
  11. The Subconscious Mind
  12. The Brain
  13. The Sixth Sense

An influential book for CEOs, business owners, and independent thinkers alike, Think and Grow Rich is distinctively philosophical and occasionally verges on spiritual. The main ideas in this Think and Grow Rich chapter summary will teach you how to control your subconscious and take charge of your life.

Desire: The Starting Point of All Achievement

According to Hill, the secret to success is to choose a goal and devote all of your energy, strength, and effort to accomplishing it. It may take many years before you achieve success, but if you stay on to your dream, you will ultimately find it.

Wishing for money will not get you anywhere. However, if you have an obsessive aim, a careful strategy, and refuse to consider failure as an option, you will become wealthy. Hill outlines the Think and Grow Rich six-step process to assist you in doing so:

  1. Determine how much money you want to make to the dollar.
  2. Determine how much you are willing to give in exchange for this amount of money.
  3. Determine a deadline for accumulating this amount of money.
  4. Make a plan for achieving your goal and get started right away, whether you feel ready or not.
  5. Summarize everything above in a clear statement.
  6. Read this written statement aloud twice a day, once in the morning and once at night. Consider your life as if you already have this much money.

While visualizing yourself as wealthy may appear difficult at first, it is only those who are “money conscious” who achieve success. To be money conscious means to envision yourself as having great wealth before you obtain it. You will only become wealthy if you have a strong desire for money and are willing to go to any length to obtain it.

Faith: Visualization of and Belief in Attainment of Desire

Faith is a mental state that you must learn to cultivate. Through the process of auto-suggestion, a state of faith is created in the subconscious by repeating affirmations and instructions. Any thought impulse that is repeatedly repeated and entered into the subconscious mind eventually becomes a thought loop.

This, however, can have negative consequences. We can reinforce negative thought patterns in addition to positive ones, which can lead to us believing that we are unworthy, doomed, or a failure. As a result, Hill contends that the nature of our subconscious is determined solely by our beliefs. You can reprogram your mind to visualize and, as a result, feel and believe that your success is guaranteed by repeating affirmations.

The nature of the influences that guide it is imprinted on the mind. A positive mind is more receptive to faith, and faith is the foundation of all success. What is the most significant impediment to your success? A lack of self-assurance. Hill recommends the following five Think and Grow Rich affirmation exercises to repeat in writing and then memorize to boost your self-confidence:

  1. Recognize that you are capable of achieving your goal, and promise to be persistent in your pursuit of it.
  2. Your mind’s dominant thoughts will cause physical action and alter your reality. As a result, you must devote 30 minutes each day to contemplating the type of person you want to become.
  3. Spend ten minutes each day working on increasing your self-confidence.
  4. Write down a description of your goal and keep working toward it until you achieve it.
  5. Recognize that you cannot have long-term success if you obtained it through unethical means. As a result, promise to only engage in a transaction if it benefits everyone involved. A pessimistic view of humanity will never bring you success.

To succeed, commit this technique to memory and say it out loud once a day.

Auto-Suggestion: The Medium for Influencing the Subconscious Mind

Self-suggestion and auto-suggestion are interchangeable terms. It serves as a link between the subconscious and conscious minds. Saying words out loud won’t make a difference. The words must have feeling attached to them. You have to invite your desire to engulf you when you recite your affirmations, following the instructions in the preceding chapter. Only felt thoughts will be acted upon by your subconscious.

Thus, in addition to the six steps previously outlined in the chapter on desire in Think and Grow Rich, Hill suggests adding the following:

  1. Go to a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed and read your written statement aloud. Visualize yourself having that money as you do so.
  2. Do this every morning and night until you have a clear mental image of all the money you want to make.
  3. Display this written statement first thing in the morning and last thing at night. Read it over and over until you have it memorized.

Specialized Knowledge: Personal Experiences or Observations

There are two kinds of knowledge: specialized knowledge and general knowledge. When it comes to accumulating wealth, general knowledge is of little use. Knowledge only generates money when it is organized and directed toward a specific goal. To be successful, you must have specialized knowledge in the field in which you wish to make your fortune.

Hill suggests forming a “Master Mind” group if the amount of knowledge required exceeds your capabilities. This group should be made up of people who have the knowledge you seek and who you can manage to help you achieve your goal.

Imagination: The Workshop of the Mind

“Ideas, which are the product of the imagination,

are the starting point for all fortunes.”

 It can be helpful to look at some of the most successful companies in history, such as Coca-Cola, and remember that it all started with a single idea. Indeed, a truly wise salesperson understands that ideas can be traded in ways that tangible goods cannot. Almost all significant fortunes begin when a person with a great idea meets a person who sells ideas. Ideas are unstoppable forces when combined with desire. They are more powerful than the minds that made them. As a result, you must pay attention, cultivate, and develop a desire to see them through.

Organized Planning: The Crystallization of Desire Into Action

Hill recommends the following four Think and Grow Rich steps to put your plan into action:

  1. Join a Master Mind group made up of people who will assist you in carrying out your plan.
  2. However, before forming the group, determine what you can offer each member in exchange for their efforts.
  3. Meet with the group at least twice a week, preferably more frequently, until a solid plan is in place.
  4. Maintain positive relationships with the group at all times.

You will need to work with others to make your fortune. Nobody can make it entirely on their own. If your plans fail, go back to the drawing board and try again until you find a plan that works. Thomas Edison failed 10,000 times before perfecting the incandescent light bulb. His key to success was that he never gave up and kept coming up with new plans even when the old ones failed. The key to securing your fortune is to plan wisely.

Decision: The Mastery of Procrastination

Hill came to the conclusion that a lack of decision, e.g., procrastination, was one of the leading causes of failure after analyzing the data gathered from interviewing more than 25,000 men and women. The most successful people make quick and firm decisions. Those who are unable to make a decision are frequently swayed by the opinions of others.

According to Hill, being easily persuaded suggests that you lack motivation and, as a result, will not achieve your goals. Learn to trust yourself, and only seek information from reliable sources. Those that make swift decisions know exactly what they want and how to obtain it. The world bends to individuals whose acts and words show that they are on the right track. Making a decision demands bravery. Only the brave go on to attain enormous riches.

Persistence: The Sustained Effort Necessary to Induce Faith

If you are battling with a lack of persistence, you can overcome this obstacle by making a concerted effort. The intensity of your desire to achieve your goals determines how easy you will be able to persevere. Hill suggests reminding yourself of your daily affirmations in this situation. Furthermore, if you have properly selected your Master Mind group, they might be useful in motivating you to stay on track.

Hill proposes an eight-stage Think and Grow Rich action plan for cultivating perseverance. It goes like this:

  1. Clarity of purpose: Knowing precisely what you desire.
  2. Desire: Becoming preoccupied with accumulating wealth.
  3. Self-reliance: Believing that you can stick to your goal enhances your perseverance.
  4. Plan specificity: Plan specificity guides you forward.
  5. Accurate knowledge: Ensure that your strategies are fact-based.
  6. Collaboration: Members of your Master Mind might motivate you to keep going.
  7. Willpower: The ability to focus your attention on seeing your plans through to completion.
  8. Habit: Habit is the direct cause of persistence. What you do every day shapes who you are. Fear can be overcome by acting boldly on multiple occasions.

Power of the Master Mind: The Driving Force

Power is required to amass wealth. You can’t put your plans into action until you have power. According to Hill, there are three ways to accumulate power:

  1. Unbounded intelligence
  2. Extensive experience
  3. Experiment and do research

By organizing knowledge into specific strategies, it can be transformed into power. However, knowledge cannot be obtained solely by study. If your plans are comprehensive, you will need the assistance of others. You can build strength by utilizing the expertise of your Master Mind group members. Nearly every big wealth has been amassed through cooperative alliances. A group of minds produces results that are far greater than the sum of their parts.

The Mystery of Sex Transmutation: The Tenth Step Towards Riches

The term “transmute” refers to the process of converting one element or form of energy into another. According to Hill, sex is our most primitive and intense drive. This need is so intense that people would often risk their lives and reputations to satisfy it. However, Hill contends that redirecting sexual energy into other activities might have a considerably more powerful effect. While this requires a great amount of willpower, he believes the effort is worthwhile.

Hill is careful to add out, however, that he is not calling for the sexual drive to be suppressed; rather, it should be given various outlets that can enhance the mind, body, and spirit. A transmuted sexual drive produces extraordinary creative potential. According to Hill, creative imagination is humanity’s sixth sense. Creativity comes from within us, yet it is not directed by us. All great artists excel because they are skilled at listening to the “still small voice” that whispers from inside. The same can be true of all successful people, including artists and CEOs.

The Subconscious Mind: The Connecting Link

While you can’t control your subconscious mind, you can tell it to think about specific plans, ambitions, or goals you want to achieve. The subconscious, on the other hand, can only be voluntarily directed through the process of habit. Because your subconscious works around the clock, you must be mindful of the negative thinking patterns and unproductive habits you feed it. You must take action to distance yourself from such negative influences and cultivate more positive, desire-driven states of mind.

Thoughts that are accompanied by an emotion are more responsive to the subconscious. According to Hill, only emotionally charged thoughts lead to action. As a result, it is worthwhile to become acquainted with what makes a negative or pleasant emotion. Hill compares emotions to yeast in a loaf of bread in that they encourage activity, e.g., they cause the dough to rise. Depending on whether the mood is favorable or negative, the loaf of bread will be either exceptional or terrible.

The Brain: A Broadcasting and Receiving Station for Thought

Hill was certain that the brain could detect the thought vibrations of other brains. However, he said that only thoughts that have been “stepped up” to an extremely high rate of vibration can travel between minds. Hill contends that if a person is engaged in sex transmutation, their thoughts will vibrate at a higher frequency.

Hill recommends focusing on strengthening your subconscious and creative imagination through the art of auto-suggestion to maximize your mental “broadcasting” powers.

The Sixth Sense: The Door to the Temple of Wisdom

Hill believed in an “infinite intelligence” that could be accessed when the subconscious vibrated at an unusually high, positive frequency. However, he also claims that Infinite Intelligence can converse with humans without their first cultivating a proper mental condition. The creative imagination is referred to as the sixth sense by Hill. Hill felt that what people term “flashes of inspiration” or “hunches” were signals from the Infinite Intelligence. As a result, the sixth sense is a blend of the mental and the spiritual.

When you learn to listen to your sixth sense’s signals, you will know when to avoid risks and when to seize opportunities. It serves as a sort of guardian angel. Hill contends that if you have accepted the preceding chapters of his book, you are now prepared to embrace the concept of the sixth sense without reservation. While the other principles are being realized, the ability to listen to this power develops progressively.

How to Outwit the Six Ghosts of Fear

Before you can begin implementing the philosophy described in this book, Hill argues that you must first verify that you are not hindered by any of what he refers to as “the six basic fears.” The following are the six fears:

  1. Fear of poverty manifested as apathy, hesitation, doubt, concern, over-caution, and delay.
  2. A fear of criticism manifested as self-consciousness, a lack of poise, an inferiority complex, extravagance, a lack of initiative, and a lack of ambition.
  3. The fear of illness, as manifested by hypochondria, insufficient exercise, sensitivity, self-coddling, and intemperance.
  4. The fear of losing someone’s love, manifested via jealously, fault finding, and gambling.
  5. The fear of old age, manifested by slowing down and acquiring an inferiority complex around the age of 40, apologizing for “being old,” and killing off the habits of initiative, imagination, and self-reliance.
  6. Fear of death, manifested as a concentration on dying rather than living, a lack of purpose, and a lack of a fitting occupation.

According to Hill, all anxieties can be classified under one of four categories. Because all emotionalized thoughts result in bodily action, all thoughts associated with dread can never result in major financial gain. Fear, on the other hand, is merely a state of thought, and the mind can be guided. As a result, you may control your destiny by managing your thinking, overcoming fear and accumulating all of your desired riches.

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